
A Guide for Multiple Use Waterway Management, Third Edition

A Guide for Multiple Use Waterway Management, Third Edition, supports the reduction of recreational boating fatalities and injuries through improved understanding of and accessibility to tools needed to implement sound management processes on shared recreational waters, including the intersection of commercial traffic and recreational users. In addition, this Guide provides direction for effective waterway management, including policy development, and communication for public understanding, acceptance, and compliance.

The First Edition (1996) stressed the importance of comprehensive and systemic waterway research and analysis with a basic waterway management planning process for use or modification based upon unique situations. The First Edition also introduced waterway management techniques and guidelines for consideration when preparing effective, balanced multiple-use waterway management plans.

The Second Edition (2004) provided a tool for resource managers, planners, regulators, and other waterway stakeholders and professionals trying to make sense of an evolving body of information about multiple-use waterway issues and conflicts and site-appropriate ways for coming to terms with them.

The Third Edition (2021) addresses current thinking and planning frameworks for ongoing and future waterway management issues.

What's In the Guide:

Section 1

Trends & Emerging Issues

What is shaping waterway use, demands, and resulting conflict?

Section 2

Type of Multiple Use Waterway Issues & Conflicts

Section 3

Developing Plans & Solutions

Section 4

Multiple Use Waterway Management Approaches & Related Tools

Section 5

Organizations Involved in Waterway Management

Section 6

Case Studies

  • Ballasted Boats
  • Jupiter Inlet, Florida
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Regulated Navigation Area
  • Oregon's Nonmotorized Access Program

Section 7

References & Suggested Reading

2020-2022 Waterway Management Project Steering Committee

American Canoe Association
Robin Pope, Board President
Kelsey Bracewell, SEIC

American Waterways Operators
Thomas Allegretti, Senior Executive Officer

Chicago Harbor Safety Committee
David Brezina, J.D., Secretary

Florida Fish and Wildlife
Gary Klein, Boating Law Administrator

Passenger Vessel Association
Terri Bernstein, VP of Operations, BB Riverboats, Inc.
Chris Gallup, Director of Operations, Hornblower Cruises and Events
Steve Jones, Captain, Gateway Clipper Fleet

Public Member 
Eleanor Mariani, CT Boating Law Administrator (Retired)

River Management Society
David Cernicek, Wild & Scenic Rivers/River Ranger Forest Service Bridger-Teton National Forest
Risa Shimoda, Project Technical Consultant, The Shimoda Group, Executive Director – River Management Society

States Organization for Boating Access
Randy Henry, Oregon Marine Board

U.S. Coast Guard
LCDR John Downing, Office of Waterways & Ocean Policy, Waterways Policies & Activities Division (CG-WWM-1)
Tom Dardis, Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Coordinator, Boating Safety Division (CG-BSX-21), Grant Technical Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Pam Doty, National Water Safety Program Manager

Waterways Association of Pittsburgh
David Podurgiel of Murray American Transportation, WAP Navigation Committee Chair
Michael Graham of the Gateway Clipper Fleet, WAP President

Pamela Dillon, Project Director
Dr. Deb Gona, Project Consultant/Advisor
Alex Otte, Project Writer
Ron Sarver, Project Web Design
Taylor Matsko, Layout and Design